Final Fantasy and Primeval
What do think about a crossover between Final Fantasy and Primeval?
You an OC (original character) using your various powers and weapons from Final Fantasy to fight all sorts of Primeval creatures from all series in order like using lightning spells to zap Anurognathus and Megopteran, Ice spells to freeze and shatter Future Fungus, slice and dice Future Predators with your Blazefire Saber, etc.
Quando è ambientato il crossover?
Il crossover è ambientato negli anni 2011-2012 cioè durante la sesta stagione di Primeval e la settima di Bones.
Crossover con Jessie Annullato
Il crossover con Jessie è stato annullato e il Crossover si farà con Bones.
Speciale Natalizio Il 25 Dicembre
A causa di un riorganizzamento e non ritenendo che lo speciale di Capodanno sia così importante per ora l'episodio 6.6 uscirà il 25 dicembre come previsto.
L'Episodio Speciale Natalizio Arriverò Prima
A causa di problemi di tempo lo speciale natalizio di Primeval arriverà prima!
L'Imperatore Raptor Dice Buongiorno A Jessie
Scusate per il primo blog ho fatto male il titolo. Comunque l'episodio 6.6 sarà un crossover tra Primeval e Jessie.
I Nuovi Attori Di Primeval
Nel'episodio speciale avremo la partecipazione di Debby Ryan, Peyton List, Cameron Boyce, Karan Brar, Skai Jackson, Kevin Chamberlin, Chris Galya, Chareles Easten, Christina Moore, Joey Ritcher, Carolin Henensy e Sierra McCormick.
Mi Dispiace L'Episodi 3 non arriverà oggi
A causa del fatto che avevo troppi impegni l'episodio 6.3 arriverà domani.
Valutare Le Creature
Per la serie che farò su YouTube potrete valutare i dinosauri e le altre bestie!
L'Attesa È Quasi Finiti
Fan Di Primeval tra poco ci sarà un video su YouTube e tra un pò sentirete Primeval Titles in un nuovo episodio di Primeval!
Le Nuove Stagioni
Quanti di voi volevano delle nuove stagioni di Primeval? Io ho fatto esaudire il vostro desiderio tramite YouTube! 10 nuove stagioni interressanti! Episodi prodotti dalla casa Crasraptor Production e trasmessi sul canale Maurizio Luraschi nella playlist Crasraptor Channel 8! I lavori cominciano!
Primeval Season 6-12 spot
Su YouTube qualcosa è accaduto, un'anomalia si è aperta, Primeval 6-12 spot aspetta che tu lo veda come la stagione 6 aspetta di essere letta e vista per vedere il primo episodio digitate. Primeval Episodio 6.1 e un ultima cosa potreste non trovarlo subito perchè ora è in fase di progettazione.
Primeval season 6
Hello! I'm not a great author, & I don't have any fans. But I think the main story of Primeval season 6 is pretty good & it can be a real movie! I also made some pictures & put them in my profile, but no one has visited them. Even Primeval 13 didn't read my story. I really mind. Anyway, if anyone reads this blog, I hope he/she will read my story & visit my profile. I'm waiting for any advice or comments on how I can improve my story! Thank you!
Primeval New World - Season 2
Those of you who didn't want the series to get cancelled please raise your hands.
Primeval: New Blood
I hate to self-promote myself (well...alright, maybe I don't), but I feel the need to show off my new series, Primeval: New Blood.
I've gathered some facts so far:
- It's a really big series, it has a full 13 episodes in it. There will also be a break in the middle, after Episode 7 (now, I wonder where I got that from... :P)
- Episode 1, although it seems like a normal episode by looking at the page, will feature the most mind-blowing thing EVER. (I also think I overuse superlatives sometimes.)
- I'll have creatures from both present and future, as is customary.
Now, stay tuned and keep Primeval: New Blood in your sights :)
A Rip in Time debut
I've finally finished the first series of A Rip in Time and I'm going to release one-two episodes a week. Please leave comments on what you think of Episode 1 because if no-one likes the first few episodes then I won't bother making Series 2 and Series 3. Thanks Dracorex771 08:39, October 9, 2011 (UTC)
AC 2 Spoilers
For the first week I am giving away these 7 spoilers about Series 2:
1. The beast of gevaudan, a werewolf to the locals, is actually two starved Hyaenodons that were driven to eating people.
2. The premiere is a two-parter, also featuring one of the best car chases in television history.
3^. The car chase is a whopping 3 minutes long, featuring not one, but two Hyaenodons chasing an armored military jeep.
4. There will be a trailer released in early September; try to catch it if you're watching BBC1, or ITV.
5. If you don't see it, here is a summary:A dark sky appears, with red strikes through it. On the ground a dark shape lies on the ground-then it springs up and roars right at the camera. Then it cuts to Connor speaking "just when you though…
New Series'
My new series', Lost in Time and Operation Clean Up, are arriving very soon, along with Myths and Legends. More info coming soon...
Myths and Legends
My new series is arriving soon. It follows people in places like Ancient Rome, Ancient Eygpt and Ancient Greece. Anomalies are opening everywhere, and creatures are pouring through. It's up to these ancient people to stop the creatures and put them back where they came from. It's Primeval - with crossbows and spears...
Anomalies Incorporated
Anomalies Incorporated has arrived! Written by me, it follows a group of scientists as they work on a spaceship in the sky, for The Secret Circle. But the circle holds a secret - and what can anomalies really be used for?
The Anomaly Trilogy
Please check out my Anomaly Trilogy.
Write what you think.
Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall 17:53, July 12, 2011 (UTC)
Hey there.
Post your requests to be a administrator here.
Yours Truly, Primeval13 (Talk To Me) 09:17, July 3, 2011 (UTC)
Dyno Primeval
Good news - Dyno Primeval has arrived! It is a series of adventures following the ARC team written by me, Dynovan. I hope you enjoy it! :D
Hey there.
I need your help. I am struggerling to come up with creatures for Series 2 of Primeval Revived.
Please post what you think would be a good creature.
Yours Truly, Primeval13 (Talk To Me) 16:27, June 21, 2011 (UTC)
A Blog about Primeval
Blog about Primeval
Yours Truly, Primeval13 (Talk To Me) 15:36, June 20, 2011 (UTC)
Primeval Revived
Hey Primeval Fans!
This is a Blog where you can post comments on Primeval Revived episodes.
Hope you enjoy them!
Yours Truly, User:Primeval13 19:10, May 26, 2011 (UTC)