Primeval Fanon Wiki
"Ozraptor: Small but conniving..."
―Johnathon Davis' description[src]
DU Ozraptor
Scientific name Ozraptor subotaii
Home era Mid Jurassic period
Creature type Theropod dinosaur
Deaths caused 2
Appearances Episode 1.1 (DU)

Ozraptor was a theropod dinosaur that lived during the middle Jurassic period in Australia.

In Primeval: Down Under[]

Episode 1.1 (DU)[]

A pack of Ozraptor came through an Anomaly in a local park. One member stalked a young boy and caused him to run towards the other members of the pack who were lurking in the woods to kill him. Later, his mother searched for him and found his body being fed upon by the Ozraptors. Her screams attracted their attention and she was quickly disemboweled.

The next day, Johnathon Davis entered the woods and encountered a lone Ozraptor hiding behind a pile of fallen leaves. As he pushed past the foliage, the Ozraptor lunged and attacked him. However, a bullet hit the dinosaur in mid air, killing it. The bullet came from Samantha Rogers who then checked the Ozraptor's pulse. The pair then dragged the corpse away and into the back of a jeep.

Later, the remaining Ozraptors stalked a group of partying friends. As the Ozraptors emerged from the bushes, one of the friends - Ethan Kingdom - stood up the creature and fired a pistol in self defense. However, his terrible aim caused the bullet to ricochet off of a metal wall and hit his friend. As the Ozraptors closed in, Johnathon and Samantha arrived and shot all of them.
